
Boulder County Aims to Pave Over USDA/National Resource Conservation Service Designated Lands of Agriculture Significance

Boulder County is attempting to forever alter the landscape, pave over and destroy irreplaceable lands it used taxpayer monies to protect with a conservation easement and purchase for Open Space. In fact, the lands are of such uniquely high quality they are designated by the United States Department of Agriculture as being of national significance.

Despite clearly understanding the sensitivity and unique quality of the land as shown on the map, the County’s current leadership is taking a short-term perspective that their latest “green initiative” is more righteous and worthy than the generations-old conservation easement previous County leaders purchased to prevent the exact kind of development now being proposed.

Once paved, starved of natural water water flows and oxygenation, and contaminated with the heavy-metal laden toxic leachate that can permeate industrial-scale compost facilities over time, the USDA/NRCS designated public treasures bought and paid f…

Once paved, starved of natural water water flows and oxygenation, and contaminated with the heavy-metal laden toxic leachate that can permeate industrial-scale compost facilities over time, the USDA/NRCS designated public treasures bought and paid for by Boulder County residents will be degraded and diminished forever.

To develop on this land is to steal from the taxpayers who paid to protect it…and from future generations who will be stripped of its future value for local food production, water quality preservation and as a natural buffer from neighboring communi…

To develop on this land is to steal from the taxpayers who paid to protect it…and from future generations who will be stripped of its future value for local food production, water quality preservation and as a natural buffer from neighboring communities.