
Open Space is under attack from within.

The land pictured here, Rainbow Open Space, was purchased with taxpayer funds for perpetual preservation due to its significant open space and agricultural values. Now Boulder County wants to clearcut the trees and build an industrial-scale waste facility. Stay tuned to learn more about the history of Boulder’s Open Space programs and their effort to pervert the intention for narrow special interests.

This County-proposed development on Open Space does not fit with its own Mission & Goals.

This County-proposed development on Open Space does not fit with its own Mission & Goals.

Parks & Open Space Mission & Goals

Parks and Open Space’s Mission: “To conserve natural, cultural and agricultural resources and provide public uses which reflect sound resource management and community values.”

Parks and Open Space’s Goals

  1. To preserve rural lands and buffers.

  2. To preserve and restore natural resources for the benefit of the environment and the public.

  3. To provide public outreach, partnerships and volunteer opportunities to increase awareness and appreciation of Boulder County’s open space.

  4. To protect, restore and interpret cultural resources for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations.

  5. To provide quality recreational experiences while protecting open space resources.

  6. To promote and provide for sustainable agriculture in Boulder County for the natural, cultural and economic values it provides.

  7. To develop human resources potential, employ sustainable and sound business practices, and pursue technological advancements.